1.Athlete Drop Down #
Athletes will be populated during the initializing of RaceDay 2.0
Event Participants – Athlete management screen
Export to PPL – export for Lynx camera
Export to Chip – export for chip timing common fields
Export to Common – export everything for manual set up of fields
1.1.Event Participants Screen #
Common Page Terms
- Event Participant – these are the athletes who have entered your event
- Online Athletes – these are the athletes who registered online
- Day Of Race Athletes – These are the athletes who registered onsite prior to the event and are entered manually.
- Multi-Day Entry – If you are running a multi-day event you can register the athlete for multiple categories
Managing Athletes – This is made easy with RaceDay 2.0, Your online registered athletes are already loaded when you initialized RaceDay 2.0. Edit the athlete information by using your mouse and double clicking on the athlete, moving them into the form, make the changes and then clicking on the update button.
By clicking on the New button you can now add new onsite athletes. RaceDay 2.0 has a large athlete database running in the background so the first search would be by license number then by last name and so on as you narrow down the option listed below. Once you have found the athlete make sure you assign a bib number and that the details are correct, the stage is set that you want the athlete in, and click the save button. If the athletes are not found you can manually enter the athlete’s details and save.
New: Added County and Country Code
New: Add Payment Types and Payment Amount (This will be displayed in the Event Summary, more details in Utilities under Payment Types.
If you are running an Omnium you can also choose to register the athletes for multiple days.
You can also right click on the athlete in the screen, This will allow for athlete details to be edited
Edit Record – this will add the athlete details into the form to allow for editing. Remember to hit the update button below to save the edits.
Delete Record – this will delete the selected athlete from the event. Be careful as this will remove all associated results.
Switch rider start time – in a time trial you may need to switch two athlete’s start times due to a issue. Highlight the two you want to switch then hit the change button.
Consolidate Team Names – if you want to make sure all team names are the same you can use this function to do so. Highlight all riders you wish to have the same team name. You will be given a box to type in the team name then hit Set Team Name and this will change all highlighted athletes.
Print Release Form – Printing a standard USA Cycling release form is easy. Choose the athlete by right clicking on the row and then hit print release form. A form will appear just hit the print icon and the filled in form will print. Note: even though the form has no data in it it will print filled in
Stage Information – If you want to see who has the same last name or you are looking for duplicated bib numbers the feature will give you those details.
1.2.Export to PPL #
This will export a PPL file in a CSV format. This is a direct import for LYNX Camera Systems.
1.3.Export to EVT #
This will export a CSV file into the EVT file format used in a Lynx camera system
1.4.Export to Chip #
This is a standard csv file with the most used Athlete Information that is require by the chip timing company. You may want to download and send a copy to your timer to make sure that all relevant information is include. If the timing company requires more you can use the Export to common which will list everything and can then be opened in excel and edited to meet your requirements.
1.5.Export to Common CSV #
This will export all athlete information into a csv file that you can open in Excel to edit for your specific requirements.