Downloading RaceDay Event Software takes a few minutes if you are installing it for the first time. Depending on what anti virus you are running you may need to step thru allowing the download.
Please go to and follow the prompts on your screen. The first time you initialize RaceDay you will be prompted to install the database this take a few minutes to install. Please allow time to complete this process. Once the database has been installed you are ready to run your event.
If there has been an update on RaceDay when you open the software your will be prompted to update the software
The free version RaceDay 2.0 downloads as a demo version and will allow for the addition of up to 20 athletes so anyone can run the software.
Copy and paste the License key into the box and click the save button. This will active your RaceDay 2.0 software for a period that will close seven days after the date of your event. Please make sure you have no blank spaces at the front or back of the key when you copy and paste.
All reporting is still active but changes will no longer be allowed. If you do need to make change contact RaceDay staff to help you with those needs.
Our stellar customer service is available to you anytime. We encourage you to purchase your copy of RaceDay at least one week prior to your event. You can download a demo version anytime and and run through it to learn the ins and outs before your event. RaceDay is easy and fast to learn and the more you use it the easier it will be to run in the heat of registration on the day of your event.