Initializing the Event
From the Utilities Drop Down Then Database you will then see the Option to Initialize the Database. You can always update the data or add later thru the Manage Events
Event Name – This event name Required.
Event Type – There are two event types One is Required.
Stage Race – This is used if the stage is scored based on time, this applies to one or more stages. This would be used if the overall winner if based on total time
Omnium – This is used if the event is being scored on points with or without time. Think of a race weekend with two races with the overall winner scored on points .
Event Date – Date of the first event Optional.
Address 1/Address 2 – Address or address of the overall event Optional.
City – City of the event Optional.
State – State of the event Optional.
Chief Referee – If you have a lead official Optional.
Chief Official Email – Official Email Address Optional.
These details are printed on all of the reports and when you upload to Real Time Results posting.
This is the first step in setting up and managing an event
Think of the Event Details as the umbrella,

Manage Event
When you set up RaceDay Event Software think of it as built in tiers, each area covers another area. Event Management is the top tier of the software. For each event you need to build the Event Details, these details can be the same as Stage Details or different. (Note when you use the Initialization wizard this information will be fill in as well. You can edit or add to this at any time by double clicking on the line in the edit field below. The Event Details are posted both online and printed on all reports the more information the better. This step may have been completed if this is the first time to initialize the Database.
Event Name – This event name Required.
Event Type – There are two event types Required.
Stage Race – This is used if the stage is scored based on time, this applies to one or more stages. This would be used if the overall winner if based on total time Required.
Omnium – This is used if the event is being scored on points with or without time. Think of a race weekend with two races with the overall winner scored on points Required.
Event Date – Date of the first event Optional.
Address 1/Address 2 – Address or address of the overall event Optional.
City – City of the event Optional.
State – State of the event Optional.
Chief Referee – If you have a lead official Optional.
Chief Official Email – Official Email Address Optional.
Event Director – This is the name of the person in charge of the event Optional.
Timing Company – If you have someone timing the event Optional.
Present By – Lead Sponsor Optional.