Add license
This is where you can load the RaceDay Event Software key to activate prior to your (you must add a license key to activate the software to accept more than 20 athletes.
This puts the front page of RaceDay Event Software to the Welcome page.
If you set up user for RaceDay Event Software under the Utilities drop down this is where you log. There are several user types that have different permissions. This must also be used with onsite registration option. (Please refer to the Utilities and Onsite registration user guides)
Onsite Registration
This will open up the Onsite Registration option of RaceDay Event Software, this is a full suite of onsite registration tools for both the registration staff and athlete self-registration. Wavier and payment option may also be set up to make onsite registration a one-step option
Closes RaceDay Event Software and prompted the user to backup and save the event